Ueba Kasumi

Born in Kyoto Prefecture
Graduates from Kyoto City University of Arts
Earns diploma in ceramics from Kyoto Municipal Institute of Industrial Technology and Culture
Earns diploma from Kyoto Prefectural College of Technical Ceramic Art


“I had always loved to draw, but I soon lost track of what I wanted to do after entering art school. So I spent most of my first three years socializing and drinking with friends. I panicked, however, as graduation neared and I realized that I’d learned next to nothing. A introduction from one of the professors [to the Kyoto Municipal Institute of Industrial Technology and Culture] catalyzed an outpouring of energy. Pottery became an obsession. I took an interest in any and all kinds of pottery and worked around the clock in my studio. We’re incredibly fortunate here in Japan, I realized, to inherit such an incredible diversity of pottery traditions.”


