- 1978
- Born in Kyoto Prefecture
- 2001
- Graduates from Kyoto City University of Arts
- 2002
- Earns diploma in ceramics from Kyoto Municipal Institute of Industrial Technology and Culture
- 2003
- Earns diploma from Kyoto Prefectural College of Technical Ceramic Art
“I had always loved to draw, but I soon lost track of what I wanted to do after entering art school. So I spent most of my first three years socializing and drinking with friends. I panicked, however, as graduation neared and I realized that I’d learned next to nothing. A introduction from one of the professors [to the Kyoto Municipal Institute of Industrial Technology and Culture] catalyzed an outpouring of energy. Pottery became an obsession. I took an interest in any and all kinds of pottery and worked around the clock in my studio. We’re incredibly fortunate here in Japan, I realized, to inherit such an incredible diversity of pottery traditions.”