Hori Ichiro

Hori Ichiro
Hori Ichiro

Born in Mizunami, Gifu Prefecture

Graduates from Tajimi Technical High School
Apprentices with Kato Kozo

Opens studio in Mizunami district of Okute, builds anagama (single-chamber underground kiln), and devotes himself to producing Shino, Kiseto (yellow Seto), Setoguro (black Seto), and natural-glaze pottery

Moves studio to Mizunami district of Okusa

September 22–September 30, 2018

Hori Ichiro returns to Gallery Labo for a second exhibition. Here is a fresh a look at the artist's evolving touch across a palette that spans Kiseto (yellow Seto), Setoguro (black Seto), Shino, Nezumi Shino (gray Shino), and beyond. Enjoy!

Hori Ichiro

Partial listing of works exhibited September 22–30
Size indications: centimeters, width x depth x height
Price: net of Japanese sales tax, wooden box included

  • Front cover Kiseto (yellow Seto) long-necked vase
  • (11.4×32.0)
  • SOLD
  • 2. Shino dishes (5)
  • (13.2×3.3)
  • 3. Shino tokkuri (saké flask)
  • (7.2×14.1)
  • SOLD
  • 4. Nezumi Shino (gray Shino) chawan (tea bowl)
  • (11.6×9.9)
  • 5. Setoguro (black Seto) chawan (tea bowl)
  • (10.9×9.8)
  • 6. Nezumi Shino (gray Shino) yunomi (cup)
  • (6.9×9.4)
  • SOLD
  • 7. Kiseto (yellow Seto) yunomi (cup)
  • (6.8×8.9)
  • SOLD
  • 8. Kiseto (yellow Seto) tokkuri (saké flask)
  • (9.0×13.1)
  • 9. Kiseto (yellow Seto) tokkuri (saké flask)
  • (8.6×13.0)
  • 10. Kiseto (yellow Seto) guinomi (saké cup)
  • (5.8×5.2)
  • SOLD
  • 11. Kiseto (yellow Seto) guinomi (saké cup)
  • (6.0×5.4)
  • SOLD
  • 12. Shino guinomi (saké cup)
  • (6.7×5.6)
  • SOLD
  • 13. Nezumi Shino (gray Shino) guinomi (saké cup)
  • (6.7×5.7)
  • SOLD
  • 14. Kiseto (yellow Seto) yunomi (cup)
  • (7.6×8.0)
  • SOLD
  • 15. Karatsu-style guinomi (saké cup)
  • (6.2×5.6)
  • 16. Shino guinomi (saké cup)
  • (6.4×6.0)
  • SOLD
  • 17. Kiseto (yellow Seto) guinomi (saké cup)
  • (7.8×7.0×3.4)
  • SOLD
  • 18. Kiseto (yellow Seto) guinomi (saké cup)
  • (6.3×5.3)
  • SOLD
  • 19. Shino yunomi (cup)
  • (7.4×8.8)
  • SOLD
  • 20. Kiseto (yellow Seto) katakuchi (spouted pouring vessel)
  • (10.5×7.7×8.9)
  • SOLD
  • 21. Setoguro (black Seto) guinomi (saké cup)
  • (7.2×6.5×4.6)
  • 22. Shino guinomi (saké cup)
  • (6.6×5.7)
  • SOLD
  • 23. Shino guinomi (saké cup)
  • (6.4×5.2)
  • SOLD
  • 24. Setoguro (black Seto) guinomi (saké cup)
  • (6.4×5.4)
  • SOLD
  • 25. Kiseto (yellow Seto) katakuchi (spouted pouring vessel)
  • (11.4×9.3×8.4)
  • SOLD
  • 26. Kiseto (yellow Seto) yunomi (cup)
  • (6.5×4.8)
  • SOLD
  • 27. Kiseto (yellow Seto) flat-sided jar
  • (25.5×22.0×30.0)
  • SOLD
  • Back cover Kiseto (yellow Seto) katakuchi (spouted pouring vessel)
  • (10.1×7.6×9.1)
  • SOLD