Hori Ichiro

Hori Ichiro

Hori Ichiro

Born in Mizunami, Gifu Prefecture

Graduates from Tajimi Technical High School
Apprentices with Kato Kozo

Opens studio in Mizunami district of Okute, builds anagama (single-chamber underground kiln), and devotes himself to producing Shino, Kiseto (yellow Seto), Setoguro (black Seto), and natural-glaze pottery

Moves studio to Mizunami district of Okusa

October 28-November 5, 2017

Hori Ichiro honors Gallery Labo with a solo exhibition on the first anniversary of the gallery's move to Saijo. This is only the second-ever solo exhibition by Hori in western Japan (west of Kansai). We look forward to welcoming those of you who are able to view these works in person. And we welcome our virtual visitors from afar here online.

October 2017
Noma Shoichi, Owner
Gallery Labo

3. Kiseto (yellow Seto) guinomi (saké cup) SOLD

4. Kiseto (yellow Seto) yunomi (large cup) SOLD

7. Shino tokkuri (saké flask) SOLD

9. Shino guinomi (saké cup) SOLD

11. Nezumi (gray) Shino guinomi (saké cup) SOLD

12. Shino guinomi (saké cup) SOLD

13. Shino guinomi (saké cup) SOLD

15. Setoguro (black Seto) guinomi (saké cup) SOLD